MICR * 2020 – Microbial Interactions and Associations F,W (3-0) [0.50]

The interactions and associations of microorganisms with each other and with components of both the biotic and abiotic worlds have an enormous impact on daily life and their influence is felt on a global basis. The diversity of microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa will be presented in the context of such interactions and impact. The interactions of microbes with host organisms in symbioses and pathogenesis, and their survival strategies in extreme environments will be examined. The host-pathogen interactions in disease will be emphasized, but balanced with consideration of the beneficial aspects of microorganisms such as their role in biogeochemical cycles and their application in biotechnology. Assignments will evaluate contemporary microbiological issues in the context of the corresponding scientific literature. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology.

Posted By : Anonymous
Posted On : January 7, 2011

Comment :
This is not a course for the faint of heart. There is a very large amount of material to learn and absorb, however the material is often quite interesting even for non-microbio majors. If you stay on top of things its manageable.
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