MCB * 4010 – Advanced Cell Biology W (3-0) [0.50]

This course examines the cellular and molecular biology of signal transduction. The major theme is an understanding of how eukaryotic cells receive, transmit and respond to environmental signals. Topics will include cellular regulation of cell cycle progression and cell death as well as the consequences of deregulated signal transduction in terms of disease, primarily cancer.

Posted By : Anonymous
Posted On : August 7, 2013

Is the textbook recommended by the student? No
Did the student enjoy the professor? Yes
Professor : Dr. Mosser

Comment :
I loved this class. Dr. Mosser makes it really easy for people to get a good mark in this class as long as you are willing to put the effort into it. There is a midterm, partner presentation and final. Throughout the lectures he makes it very clear what concepts he will test and just focusing on those concepts alone will get you a good mark. He drops the midterm if your final mark is better! His notes where very clear and he gave lots of tips/hints throughout the course
Recommendation Rating
Overall Difficulty