GEOG * 2460 – Analysis in Geography F (3-2) [0.50]

The application of modern techniques to geographic study. The interpretation of geographic phenomena by objective methods. Major honours students in Geography must complete this course by the end of semester 4.

Posted By : Anonymous
Posted On : November 18, 2012

Is the textbook recommended by the student? Yes
Did the student enjoy the professor? Yes
Professor : Z. Gedalof

Comment :
This course is required for a lot of students. Don't be scared off by the labs. They are individual, weekly assignments that include questions that go over the topics you covered in class that week. Midterm wasn't too bad. Make sure you go to class. Prof does not post notes online, so if you want to do well in the course you have to go to EVERY class! If you like stats and are a wiz with computer programs like Excel and SPSS you'll have no problem. The textbook is also very helpful (it gives more in-depth explanations and the Prof sticks to the content).
Recommendation Rating
Overall Difficulty