GEOG * 2110 – Climate and the Biophysical Environment W (3-1) [0.50]

The interrelationships between the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere to produce distinct physical landscapes (climates, soils, vegetation). Emphasis on the role of climate and the flows of energy, water, and biogeochemicals.

Posted By : Anonymous
Posted On : November 18, 2012

Is the textbook recommended by the student? No
Did the student enjoy the professor? Yes
Professor : L. Bennet

Comment :
There was no textbook for this course, which may have been helpful considering we covered topics that I had not seen since grade 10 or 11. Prof is hilarious and makes morning class enjoyable. He does post notes online, but you have to go to class because you need to fill in a lot of blanks on the slide shows. Otherwise this class is very interesting. Two midterms and a final exam. There are seminar type classes where you complete labs (Q and A about the weekly course content). Go to these seminars, they will help you out for the exams.
Recommendation Rating
Overall Difficulty