ENGL * 3760 – Atlantic and Mediterranean Worlds W (3-0) [0.50]

A variable content course aimed at considering the intercultural effects which emerge from transnational, colonial, imperial, and/or diasporic relations, through literatures in English addressing the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and contiguous lands. Texts will be selected from among the rich array of poetry, fiction, memoirs, letters, travel accounts, period histories and ethnographies, autobiographies and folkloric records that formed the literary culture of this period. Attention may be paid to diverse forms of oral and written expression, linguistic changes, the Creole continuum, the evolution of national and racial stereotypes, and religious syncretism. Reading-intensive course. (Offered in even-numbered years.)

Posted By : Anonymous
Posted On : April 18, 2012

Is the textbook recommended by the student? No
Did the student enjoy the professor? No
Professor : M. Nandorfy

Comment :
Always do your readings for Nandorfy's classes. This woman is a dream. :) Questions on her test's/final's are always fair and are easily answerable as long as you know what is going on. Her lectures are always interesting. This semester (W12) we focussed on eurocentrism a lot. We read Sojourner Truth, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, The World Turned Upside Down, Reuben and Rachel and Benito Cereno. We also watched Cheifs, Cabeza de Vaca and Quilombo. All were interesting and relatively easily readable/watchable.
Recommendation Rating
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